Why I write

ImageMy phone just pinged at me. Upon checking it I found that I had been ‘tagged’ in a shared photo on FB by a colleague and in the comments was written “Keep on blogging Suz”. This colleague is on leave right now but I caught up with her in the local supermarket the other afternoon. After exchanging pleasantries, I told her my speed bump news. This morning, I find this. I am just blown away by her thoughtfulness.

So why do I write?

I write to share experiences so that others will know they are not alone. Too often when we are going through hiccups in life, we feel isolated and alone believing that we are the only ones who have ever felt this way and there is no way out.

I write to extend my hand to others. Because no one should feel alone.

I write to get the jumble in my head into some sort of coherent order. (and free up some space in there for more jumbled thoughts).

I write because as my fingers dance over the keyboard, it is music to my ears. It is such a satisfying sound.

I write because I can’t stand to see a page devoid of words. Yep, love those stores filled with empty books just begging to be filled with words. I’d love a Typo gift card for Christmas (hint hint family).

I write because by writing, I am healing.

I write to learn more about myself. It’s amazing what comes out with the right prompts.

I write so that I can leave a legacy for my children. Not sure if they’ll ever want to read my ramblings but you never know.

I write because it is a blessing to be able to share with others. I am blessed by all of you on WordPress.

I write because I can!

Have a blessed day 🙂

29 thoughts on “Why I write

  1. These are all excellent reasons. One caught my eye in particular. You mentioned, freeing up space in your mind. When I read that, I immediately realized that since I started blogging, my stress level has decreased tremendously. There are several benefits to writing and having a great WP community makes it even better.


    1. Irene, just let the words flow. You can do it. Although I am behind on reading my blogs, I will find it when you write it. I look forward to reading your experiences. 🙂


  2. Ah Suz, this is a lovely post. And how nice to receive such validation from a colleague! (And I too, like the sound of the keyboard). Keep on writing for all the reasons you mentioned … healing, and happy, and home for the soul.


  3. It is a blessing to me that you write your jumbled thoughts. I too write for all the reasons listed …don’t know what I would do without my wp friends. Thank you for sharing your insight and friendship.


  4. Reblogged this on knowleselle and commented:
    Why do I write? I have often been asked in other words, “Why do you do that?” This thought has been going on in my head for a while and Suz, today summed it up quite nicely. She hit the nail on the head.
    I also write because it gives me peace and comfort. Tell me – Why do YOU write?


  5. Amen to all your reasons 😉 I second every single one of your motivations for putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard, as it may be). I never imagined the effect that writing would have on my life until I began my own blog. It sort of makes you wonder, should we consider more of the opportunities presented to us that have never been tried. Perhaps any one of those untested opportunities could be another cog in the wheel of wisdom that makes up the joy in each of our lives 😉 Thanks for sharing and best wishes for an inspired day!


    1. There are many things in life that we may be hesitant to try but once we do we wonder what took us so long. I think these things come along at just the right time in our lives.
      I like your analogy of the cog in the wheel of wisdom that creates joy. 🙂
      Thanks so much for commenting. You have a lovely day also. 🙂


  6. All great reasons to blog, and I’m glad you do. I love reading your thoughtful words. Not that I needed more free space between my ears, blogging has helped me work out some compulsive thoughts, and let them go—creating more free space.


    1. Extra space is always good to have – it stops the hamsters on their wheels from getting too cramped!
      Yep, blogging is good for writing it out and letting it go. 🙂


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