Touching my heart

ImageThere is hardly a day goes by that I am not touched by some of the things that I read on on WordPress. I have been extremely lucky in that the I have been spared the ugliness of some people’s tongues and keyboards although I know that there are many who haven’t had the same kind of luck that I have. I have found the majority of bloggers to be special people though.

In this post, I wish to share some posts that have touched my heart:

  1. If I could paint the Sun by Opinionated Man at HaRshReaLity. OM has developed a bit of a reputation on WordPress and usually for the wrong reasons. This post made me cry for all the right reasons. A big thanks to my dear friend Belinda for pointing it out to me šŸ™‚ and for OM for writing it. My dream is to paint the sun also.
  2. I Have Lived by Len Carver at I think this poem is pretty self explanatory.
  3. Dear ‘Daddy’ in Seat 16C on the Kindness Blog. I defy anyone to not be touched by the kindness of a stranger in this post.

These posts made me cry. They reached deep inside and squeezed my heart. There have been some other blog posts I have read that had also done the same but my memory being as sharp as a rusted old tack, has failed to remember where they were. I trust that the posts I have shared touch your heart also.

Have a blessed day šŸ™‚

34 thoughts on “Touching my heart

  1. I know OM’s posts well. He’s a good man, regardless of what people try to make him out to be. As far as the other two, I’ll head over and take a look now. Also that picture, wherever it was taken, is beautiful!


    1. I know that. I read a lot of them also however I hadn’t got to this post in my feed just yet before Belinda pointed it out to me.
      Thank you for the compliment on the picture. It was taken in a park during the Carnival of Flowers in Toowoomba about 11 years ago šŸ™‚


  2. I get touched by blog posts every day! I feel like blogging is a win-win situation. You enjoy writing the posts and others enjoy reading them. And without charge! šŸ™‚


  3. Suze I m truly honored that you enjoyed and passed on my verse. I am feeling quite reflective of my life, here now in my winter years and believe I have truly lived a good life. I am truly blessed by the struggles and the abundance of joy I have lived and wish only to pass on a bit of the wisdom I have attained and the love oh the love for my fellow human beings. Thank you again for your wonderful friendship and touching my life.


  4. All beautiful posts- thank you for sharing so that now I can follow them. The photo atop your post is breathtaking.All of my favorite color flowers- in a beautiful setting. Thank you for making me cry and smile. šŸ™‚


  5. First of all, your photo is gorgeous!! what beautiful color and sunshine.
    I find the Kindness Blog to be a great read also. I don’t know where they find all the stories and videos, nor how they put up so many each day. A good post reaches for your heart and remains on your mind. Enjoy your summer!


    1. I hope you find more you like April. I will warn you that not all of OM’s posts are so sunshine and unicorns. He can be quite offensive at times but I like his honesty. He doesn’t pretend to be someone he isn’t.


      1. I have read a lot of OM’s posts. I may not agree with everything, but I appreciate the honesty as well. He seems to be fair, and respectful if someone disagrees with his point of view. At least what I’ve seen.


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