I have ten minutes……

before I have to get up from my computer and get dressed to go to work.
So, what will I say to you all today?
I have no idea to be honest.
Lately, the wellspring of ideas appears to be drying up.
I have noticed that my most popular posts are the ones where I bare my soul to the world but my everyday life isn’t all about despair and doom and gloom.
Believe it or not, even depressives have happy days!
So, what do I write about today?”
I don’t know at all.
It is Friday.
After today, I have two more weeks left at work.
Two weeks of mixed emotions because even though I am leaving, I do spend my days with a lot of people I like.
I also love the clients and will miss them so very much.
Part of me is dreading my last day at work almost as much as I am looking forward to beginning a new chapter.
So as I write, I am watching the clock on my computer.
I have three minutes to go.
What else should I talk about?
Should I tell you that we have the grandchildren staying with us this weekend and that when I get home from work today, they will be here. And the noise levels will be so high I might have to invest in some ear plugs?
Should I tell you that I adore my grandchildren but my stress levels are beginning to rise right now because I know I am going to be exhausted when the weekend is over?
And I worry because these children live life at 200 miles per hour in everything they do?
Two minutes……
I start thinking about what I will wear to work today. I am working on the payroll today so I don’t need to look too fancy.
I might pull out some jeans and a comfy top since I will be seated at my desk all day.
Should I tell you that I am hoping my back gets a little better once I finish work and I won’t be sitting on my backside all day.
One minute….
My time is running out and the day is about to begin it’s usual routine.

Time’s up!!
My mind is empty now rofl
I hope your day is filled with blessings and love.
I know mine will be! šŸ™‚

25 thoughts on “I have ten minutes……

    1. I am going to sewing group this morning and (although I feel guilty) leaving the GG with the grandchildren and a sick Tween. But I am only 5 minutes away if needed.


        1. I didn’t get there Irene because the Tween sobbed and begged me to stay home and cuddle her. So I did. I hope she will be much better today but she is still in bed.


  1. Sue, I wish you a smooth transition onto the new chapter in your life. It’s going to be hard in the beginning; I remember it was hard for me, but then I got used to it. Blessings! šŸ™‚


  2. Why is it that we have no trouble bearing our souls when we need moral support and yet we have such a difficult time doing the very same thing when things are going well? I’ve noticed this in myself. I use to write short descriptive essays about what I saw at a particular time that was terrific. For instance, what I see at the dawn of a new day. How do we let ourselves get so negative?

    BTW, I loved this post, Suzanne. šŸ˜€


    1. Thanks Glynis.
      I have no difficulty in writing about either situation however it appears that the most ‘liked’ posts of mine are generally those where I bare my soul.


  3. I have but one minute before I should get up. Luxury day for me first – hairdressing appointment to ensure the large skunk stripe at my part isn’t there for Monday’s school photo day haha. So, I read about your leaving work but I seemed to have missed what your new plans are. Hope they are self focused for enjoyment :)). Wishing tween a fast recovery. Lots of yucky bugs seem to surface at this time of year xx


    1. She hasn’t woken this morning yet but she appeared a little better late yesterday afternoon before lapsing again last night. I am hoping is was either a reaction to her immunisations or the bug doing the rounds. Either one doesn’t last long. šŸ™‚


  4. Oh and after the luxury morning it’s all hard labour of intense house cleaning – we have a house sitter coming in while we have our holiday ( it will be a much cleaner house left for her than we live in ha ha ha ) then school report writing


  5. Hi Suz, found you again. It’s taking time and patience, but as you say, “It goes on”. I’ve spent part of the day cooking for the week and cleaning up after, although I really wanted to just toss the dishes and see if I could find someone desperate enough to pay me for a few dirty minutes in the back seat……I didn’t just say that, did I? Must need more sleep. WP is driving me mad.



  6. Ooooh! Real grandchildren! I can’t wait for mine to arrive–if they do. My advice (that you didn’t ask for) is write what you feel. I don’t receive many likes and my interpretation is that I believe most people think I’m a silly airhead. Which I am. But I’m okay with that. šŸ˜€ Being silly, is what makes me happy. Not the best writer, but happy. Also, relieving what rattles in my mind is a huge help.


    1. Thank you for your (uncalled for) advice my friend šŸ˜‰
      I will continue to write what I feel and then occasionally throw in a bit of ‘fluff’ when I’m not feeling that profound. lol


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