From my window

This morning as I sat at my computer contemplating my last day at work with mixed emotions I heard a noise.
I knew it was a hot air balloon (we get them regularly) but didn’t realise how close or low this one was until I looked. So I grabbed my camera and shot outside. No time to double check settings as the balloon was going down fast. I’ve done some minor adjustments in editing software but that’s about it.

20140530-003-copyIsn’t she just beautiful? And the sky is delightful this morning as well.
The weather doesn’t know if it wants to shower to just clear to become another delightful Autumn day.

Well, I am off for my last day of work. This week has mixed emotions. My heart tells me that it is time to go and my head is telling me that I am an idiot.
I have received some lovely gifts from colleagues and heard some wonderful words. There have already been tears shed and no doubt today there will be more.
My boss won’t be in today but is taking me out for lunch one day next week. She wants to discuss my future plans.
Today will be bittersweet but wonderful.

I wish you all blessings today. 🙂

50 thoughts on “From my window

  1. That is simply spectacular and goose bumpy awesome stuff!
    and – it IS ok to be a bit of an idiot sometimes…it can work out pretty ok anyways – 😛
    Just stepping stones Suz.
    Into a beautiful new journey –
    What a glorious start to your new passage! 😀
    ENJOY the emotions – ALL of them. SOAK it up and be at peace.


          1. Hmmm — tricky little one that yeah! – It will work out Suz –
            IT HAS TOO!! LOL! (which is normally when it does!)
            I SHOULD be giving myself this encouragement right now actually… double hmmm 😉
            Have an EPIC week lovely lady~


      1. Thanks, Sue. I’ll be doing something called operational test and evaluation for a defence acquisition project, but as a civilian employee for a professional services firm.

        The pole dancing thing didn’t look promising.


  2. I love hot air balloons – have you ever flown in one? It is on my bucket list! I hope that your last day was filled with sharing of memories and that your new beginning whatever it is will be a great adventure, just like those on the balloon are having? Blessings to you…


    1. I am afraid of heights so being a balloon with only a wicker basket between me and fresh air doesn’t really appeal to me. I do love watching the balloons though.
      I too hope my way forward is a great adventure. Thank you for your wonderful words.


  3. Great pic Suz. I stick it on creative auto for those surprise pics, at least you have a fighting chance. 🙂 Hope all goes well with your work/life changes.


    1. I certainly hope it goes well myself Laurie. It’s a big step in our lives.
      I didn’t even think to change the setting to Auto. I just grabbed the camera and fired off a few shots very quickly.


      1. Big steps can be daunting but in a few months you tend to wonder what all the fuss was about. Yes it’s easy in the heat of the moment to forget,


  4. Wishing you all the best with the next phase of your life. These moments are always bittersweet, but it’s so good to take the plunge rather than just stay put in order to avoid the transition and its resulting roller coaster of emotion. Life is full of adventure


  5. Wrapped up in my own world I missed this post about your last day until now. I hope the new path brings you much satisfaction, happy memories and above all laughter- when you laugh the world is so open and fresh. I’m sure the choices you make along your new path will be wonderful. Happy new beginnings my friend, look forward to keep on following your new adventures ❤


  6. Late in catching up on posts again Sue
    By now you must be starting to get used to the fact of no more early mornings for work.
    Enjoy life while you can, love the hot air balloon pic, I posted a story on hot air balloning here in Mildura a while back, Ana and I were supposed to go up in one but it was called off at the last moment due to weather.
    Mildura actually holds a national competition each year, the sky can be covered with up to 30 balloons, a spectacular sight.
    Another reason to visit Mildura.
    Keep smiling
    Emu aka Ian


    1. I am sleeping in now Ian and get up at 6.30am now rather than 5.15am as I used to. It’s great on these cooler, darker mornings.
      The past couple of days I haven’t done much but I want to become a little more structured in my days from now on.
      Wow! I have visited Mildura in the past but wasn’t aware of the balloon competition. That sounds like a photographer’s dream.


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