Pausing to reflect

This week there has been a couple of things that have made me pause and reflect on my life and just what is happening at this point.
The first occurred the other day when I went for my Mother’s Day massage. (It was a gift from The Son and his wife and I finally made the appointment with my friend the other day to have it done). Mandy (my friend and ex-colleague) also incorporates Reiki into the end of her massage. She is a wonderful person and quite intuitive.
When I arrived, she had three cards laid out on the table. She said that she had been led to pull them from her affirmation deck that morning.

The first card was Gratitude.
We discussed gratitude and just how important it is in life. There was a little affirmation on the back of the card that talked about saying thank-you for the small things. I usually try to do this however this week, I have paid special attention to saying thank-you. The biggest thank-you this week goes to my wonderful GG who has made up a flat-pack cupboard for my fabrics and also put up shelves to clear the clutter from my desk in my craft room. Putting up the shelves proved harder than he thought because he had to drill into the studs of our steel-frame home. Apparently drilling screws into wooden studs is much easier 🙂
I have blogged about gratitude and thankfulness so many times. It is true. When we are grateful for the little things, it changes our whole awareness and attitude toward what life brings.

The next card was Rest.
We discussed this and I commented that this appeared to be all that I had done since leaving work. I certainly hadn’t even begun many of the things I had planned to do upon finishing up. We discussed the guilt that I had been feeling at not achieving what I had wished. Being a woman she could understand this. Is it something that is wired within us? Funnily enough since this discussion I have had other confirmations that this is time for me to rest and renew myself. The time for doing will come later.

The final card was Awareness.
We discussed being in the present and not living in the past or for the future. She stressed that being aware of where I am right now is what is important.

I’ve had ample opportunity to reflect upon these words over the past few days and to incorporate them into my life.
I believe that as I rest and renew, opportunities will manifest themselves. Blessings will come.
I have certainly been blessed this week.
The meme I posted the other day in response to a gentleman’s plight on a FB group assisted him in making a decision for what he wishes to do with his future. He decided to follow the path that brings him joy. As I read his message the tears welled in my eyes and I was blessed.
And then this morning, I found this wonderful post by a lovely person who follows my blog (and vice versa) entitled Blogger Appreciation Tuesday. And the tears welled in my eyes once again.
I also had a wonderful text message from The Son yesterday that blessed my heart and brightened my day.

So this week I am focusing on pausing and reflecting on what is around me. The people, the situations and what life brings.
And in doing so, I realise that I am so very blessed.

I challenge you to take the time to pause and to reflect upon your life. Find what it is that you are grateful for. Rest and renew your body and spirit and be aware of life and what is happening around you.

Have a blessed day.

34 thoughts on “Pausing to reflect

  1. I believe that awareness leads to gratitude, which leads to joy and rest. Sounds like those we’re some great words to give you!


  2. great post! As another mentioned, as I get older I’ve learned also to be thankful for the little things in life. My walk with the Lord has opened my eyes to so much more to be thankful for and better ways to see things–basically changed my attitude about things. Our attitudes make a huge difference in our lives!


    1. I think as we become older we see more of the grey areas in life and understand them. It helps us to be thankful for things that in the past we would not see as blessings. Thanks for stopping in and commenting Elaine. Blessings to you.


  3. Very wise advice. It’s easy to get caught up in “poor pitiful me” phases. There is much around us that is beautiful, sometimes we have to look harder. Thank you for reminding me.


    1. It was meant as a reminder for me however if it serves as a reminder for you as well then that is an added bonus. Be well my friend. I’ve been remembering you in my talks with God.


      1. The reminder to yourself is something that so many of us can use. I had a path in my mind, I strayed off that path and wandered around the bramble for a while. I’m happy I’m finding my way to that path again. Thank you for remembering me! 🙂


      1. Pleasure to be here. I’ve been very busy, Sue, and having my WordPress subscription settings get screwed up AGAIN has not helped.

        I will always respond to emails, if ever you feel like chatting.


  4. I’m happy to read that you are on the good way to find yourself Sue:-)
    Even you choosed your new lifestyle, it takes time to find yourself. Rest is necessary to stress down from years with bad stress.
    Awareness is a challenge after suffering with depression, but it is possible to learn.
    In the time I have been so lucky to know you, you have been very good to show Gratitude which can be a challenge too.
    Wish you all the best Sue 😀


  5. Enjoyed reading your reflective post Sue, a lot of food for thought in there.
    You are right in the awareness aspect, sadly missing in my life at the moment to a certain degree.
    I need to concentrate on the here and now, and not on what could have been, or should have been.
    I need to be more grateful for the now.


    1. When life gets in the way Ian, it makes is so much more difficult to focus on the here and now. I find that during the days I have to take the time to stop and breathe and just ‘be’. Maybe I should put an alarm in my phone to remind me.


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