35 thoughts on “Shut down, turn off

  1. I read my newspaper every day, but I stay away from those news shows on TV. H thinks I don’t know what is going on in the world because of that reason, but I feel I know enough! He can enlighten me if there is something life-threatening! LOL! Laugh…laugh a lot and that helps to deal with all that negativity too! šŸ˜‰ Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Laughter is definitely a great thing Elle. Anyone who know me knows that I am that loud laugher. lol
      I agree that reading the paper (sometimes the headlines and first paragraph are more than enough) is good way to keep up with things.


          1. I write under Elle Knowles and the way I set my author page up on Facebook, I can’t like or comment on Facebook pages through it. šŸ˜¦ Elle is my first initial spelled out and Knowles is my maiden name. Does that make sense?


  2. I feel the same Sue although I too probably contribute sometimes to negative posts but that’s just being human. To be aware and to try to change things is a positive move. I do not watch the News anymore, it may make me an ignorant person but its just too sad and tragic and the media these days just feeds off it like a shark. I catch up on Ninemsn during the day but reading it is okay, seeing it is another thing. Good post with good thoughts to ponder. Have a great day singing šŸ˜‰


  3. Suzanne, you raised an excellent point about sharing in social media human suffering, politics, the state of the world, or animal cruelty for awareness.
    I never thought of it this way. And if we share these items, our newsfeed , particularly on Facebook will have similar news items, filtered through pages we like, or sponsored links that are similar to what we like, comment and share. The positive items will never make it to the newsfeed.
    In answer to your question, I really try to surround myself with positive people. Even if is a WordPress blog, as I look for new bloggers to follow, I will look in the comments. Are they encouraging comments? I want someone who will build me up and encourage me, before I even look at their blog and click the “Follow” button.


    1. Then I feel all the more appreciative of your follow. šŸ™‚
      It is sometimes difficult to surround ourselves with positive people all the time however if we do it as much as possible it has to make a difference right?

      Liked by 1 person

  4. The MS feeds the entire planet almost pure negativity every day. I switched off from the so called news over a year ago. It’s tough enough without that garbage.


  5. Great Post Suz. I have stopped watching the TV news. I catch up on world events online when I want and avoid being bombarded by all the horrible stuff going on that the mainstream news tends to focus on and feeds us. It’s not all doom and gloom but I seem to have to skim over a lot of the bad news and search for uplifting interesting articles. I remember watching some silly tv show where the guest brought their conflicts to be sorted out on-air. All that yelling and anger changed my mood and I felt angry and unsettled. I remember thinking to myself, Gee how could someone watch this stuff every day. What’s that saying… you are what you eat?


    1. It sounds as if you are describing the The Jerry Springer Show. That show used to make me laugh because it was so over the top. I used to make bets with the GG to see which person would a) hit someone b) tear clothes or c) get carried off by the bouncers. It added an extra dimension to the show. lol
      However, I can see how all that anger would unsettle you. I don’t think people realise the energy that emanates from them when they are showing high emotion of any kind.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I agree Sue. While my other blog has tendencies to be sort of negative in a way it’s more like a purging. I try to keep my FB upbeat and to interact with friends in a fun way or post pics. I’ve also reduced the amount of news I used to read and watch. I used to know every little thing and it stressed me out even more. Plus, it’s all sound bytes anyway so you don’t REALLY get good news so what’s the point? Life is about balance I think…and everyone’s different, but I really do enjoy laughing and smiling over stressing out.


    1. I think the majority of people in the world enjoy laughing and smiling over stressing out Laura, so you aren’t alone with that one.
      I think we need an outlet for our emotions – which is why I blog. I try to keep it as upbeat as I possibly can but it doesn’t always work out that way unfortunately.


  7. I hear you Sue!! I have a friend on FB who is an activist and posts every horrible thing that’s going on in the world – and with great bias!! I can’t stand it and rarely respond. I don’t watch the news either – or maybe once a week. The media hounds us with very biased reporting of horrors too. They just serve to further inflame emotions!! Great post Sue!! We must never lose sight of goodness and beauty and I’m grateful.


    1. Thanks Cybele.
      I take my hat off to people who are passionate about something but they need to strike a balance between their passion and the good things in life.


  8. I agree 100% Suz. i just read the headlines in the internet version of our (Canadian) national newpaper once every few days. I too don’t usually comment on posts that are too negative. Good call.


  9. Excellent post!!
    A story: two years ago, my house was broken into and the only thing stolen was my TV (dumb, dumb crooks). Anyway, I got out of the habit of turning on the TV in the morning before work and after work, too. Not having the TV on kept me from hearing so much negativity (and having it repeated over and over and over). What an unusual blessing!
    If not for the break in, that wouldn’t have happened!


    1. Isn’t that funny? I remember when my oldest two were little and I was a single parent, our tv broke down. It meant that we had no tv for a couple of months because I couldn’t afford to get it repaired. We read books and did other stuff and if I remember correctly the kids didn’t worry about it at all.
      Right now, I refuse to have the tv on during the day (as it’s only me home) and tbh I don’t really have any idea what the big news stories are right at this moment.


  10. For. E it is the little things in each day that make me smile. Sometimes you really have to look for them. It they’re there when you do. These are the things I fill my blog with, on the whole, although I do have the occasional rant.


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