Today I will….

When we went road tripping last year with our friends, we made a comfort stop in a little town called Blackbutt at the top of the range.
Whilst the men headed across the road to purchase drinks, my friend and I wandered the street looking in the stores.
I found a little house that was brightly painted and converted into a shop. I was drawn in by the brightly coloured dresses hanging on the porch. Inside was filled with crystals, knick knacks, candles, books and other assorted items. In a basket marked ‘To Clear’ was a little red book entitled “Today I will….” by Carmen Warrington.

Picking it up and flicking through it I thought “I really like the cute fonts and ideas inside”. So along with a pretty cute giraffe that I found on one of the shelves, I purchased this book.
Of course, as I left the store and headed to the car the Garden Gnome remarked “Already? This is only the first stop of the weekend”. lol

I placed the book in my book cupboard and promptly forgot about it until last week when I went looking for something inspirational to flick through.
The beauty of this book is that I can turn to any page and find an affirmation for the day.

Today, I flicked the book open and found “Today I will become a calming influence in the world and radiate peace”.
There are other words on the page that reinforce the affirmation. Words of encouragement. Words that may challenge your beliefs.

So today I will become a calming influence and radiate peace. I will do my best.
What will be your “Today I will…..” statement?


30 thoughts on “Today I will….

    1. Breathing is always good.
      Oh, I meant to ask you. I got an email from you a couple of weeks ago. I haven’t clicked on the link in it because I wanted to check whether it was legit or not. (Something about Oprah)?


  1. I love books like that, where you can open them anywhere. I’ve heard that when we randomly open a book that there’s a message important for us to see at the time. Thank you for the calming message. My message for today is….relax and go with the flow.

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