Thunder…. downunder

I have been awarded the “Encouraging Thunder” award by Joey at Joeyfullystated.
Now, I have a little bit of an issue with awards (the main one being that I can’t keep up with them) however this is a new award and well, Joey was just so darn sweet about awarding it to me that I just have to accept.
And it’s an easy award to pass on as well.
1encouraging-thunder-e1427793461525 The rules of the award are:

The Rules:

  • Post it on your blog.
  • Grant other bloggers the award.

What you cannot do:

  • Abuse or misuse the logo.
  • Claim that it is your own handmade logo.

What you should do after receiving the Encouraging Thunder Award:

  • Enjoy the award!
  • At least give thanks via comments, likes and/or mentioning the blog that you received the award from.
  • Mention your purpose in blogging.

So I wish to pass this award on to the following wonderful people who are so very, very encouraging:

Elaine at Foodbod
Belinda from Idiot Writing
I Walk Alone
Me – Who am I?

I always find it so difficult deciding who to nominate for these and many of my friends are award-free blogs. (Whilst I am not totally award-free, I don’t have time to answer every one that I receive so I can understand their reasoning behind this). If I have missed you, and you would like to have this award, feel free to grab it.

Now, what is my purpose in blogging?
My purpose is to share my life and to encourage those who read my words. To let everyone know that as bad as things get, there is always sunshine to look forward to. To vent my frustrations. To air my opinions. And to have fun.
Because blogging is really, all about having fun with life.

I guess that’s about it. I’m sure I’ll think of something else once I hit the save button but until then, this will do.

29 thoughts on “Thunder…. downunder

  1. Congratulations since I have been following you, I enjoy reading your posts very much. I am one who vents, likes to put some sunshine out and shares my life with my bloggers, well we could be twins. Wow!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a neat name for an award. Your posts have always been very encouraging and fun to read, so it seems to me that you are reaching your goal quite nicely. Also, thank you for nominating me! I truly appreciate it.

    Liked by 1 person

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