Teen smiles

Over the years, the Teen has decorated her door on a number of occasions. It has held photos of herself with her cousins, school projects, art works and other items.
It’s current incarnation is a collage of photos of herself and her school friends (taken in the school yard) and many of the things that they say.
Many of the photos, match the sayings that have been stuck around it.
I’ve been meaning to blog about this for a while, because well…. it is so her. And I laughed at much of what is on there. I was also impressed with the wisdom of the girls with much of what is written.
The photos show girls having a lot of fun and just being themselves and that is what school should be about. I still have such wonderful memories of my school days and I smile when I look at the photos taken in the school yard by myself and my friends. In this day of digital cameras and smart phones, my Teen has many more photos than I ever did however I hope that in years to come, the memories that come from these photos will be priceless.
(I took a photo of the door, however to protect the girls I can’t show it).

I do want to share some of their quotes though. Because some of them are just too funny (or wise) not to share. Some are sayings that are specific only to their group and we wouldn’t get anyway, but here are some of the ones that I particularly enjoyed.

“Don’t worry about those who talk behind your back. They’re behind you for a reason.”

” Kill them with success. Bury them with a smile.”

“What’s numeracy?” ( I just hope that it wasn’t my daughter who said this lol)

“Miss, is that even possible?”

“When it rains, look for rainbows. When it gets dark, look for stars”

“Be somebody who makes everybody look like a somebody”

“Excuse me! I am smart!”

And last but not least is my personal favourite:

“My calculator is better than yours. It has more buttons”.

Oh to be young again. ❤

24 thoughts on “Teen smiles

      1. Oh they’re great to have Suz but I think that there won’t be the physical record for the future. Especially family pics that are stored on the computer. ‘Oh dear, Granma’s computer died too. There goes the family history.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Wow, those are some wise sayings. I love all of them, but these two are my favorites “When it rains, look for rainbows. When it gets dark, look for stars”…“Be somebody who makes everybody look like a somebody” (I haven’t seen you around lately (my fault I think), so I thought you had gone off to do other things. Thank you for liking my post, so I would know that you’re still here. Good to see you again!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Not your fault. I’ve been caught up with work and such so every couple of weeks I get in and schedule posts. I really should be making more time to keep up with everyone. 🙂


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