What is Real?

“What is real?”  asked the Velveteen Rabbit.
It’s funny the things that stay in your mind from books read in the past. I’ve posted this quote and my thoughts on it before however this morning as I was ironing (I’m thinking I should iron more often), this line popped into my head once again and I asked myself, “What IS real”? Continue reading

Wisdom from Seniors #1

Allow me to share a conversation I had today with a gorgeous ‘young’ lady aged in her early 90’s.

Me: “Hello Audrey* how are you today”?
Audrey: “I’m good thank you.”
Me: “That’s great to hear.”
Audrey: “Well, what is the point in feeling anything BUT good?”

I think she has a very valid point.

*name changed for privacy reasons

Would you Rather

Miss Joey from joeyfullystated answered a challenge/interview the other day about her reading. She chose not to nominate anyone to carry it on, however left it open to those of us who haven’t done a blog post in like, forever wish to answer the same questions to do so.
I figured it was a perfect way to get myself somewhat back into this blogging gig. (I truly can’t believe it’s been over a month since my last post). So here goes….. Continue reading