It’s Okay to Not be Okay

Last week I found out that one of my previous clients, Ethel**(not her real name) was in the local hospital.
I’ve always admired Ethel and got on very well with her. An ex-school teacher, she has survived a lot in her life including domestic violence and being a sole parent. Ethel’s mind is as a sharp as a tack and we have often discussed books, craft and world events and enjoyed a good laugh together. Her sense of humour is absolutely wicked. She is a ‘call it as she see’s it’ kinda lady.
So when I heard she was in the hospital, I went to visit. When I arrived, she was in deep discussion with two other people so I took myself off for a 20 minute walk and returned later. Continue reading

Tips for Mental Health

Today I am working on putting together a workshop on “Building an Emotional Well-Being First Aid Kit”.
As I was researching and putting together notes, I came across an article (I think it was a Reddit one but don’t quote me on that) listing tips submitted by their contributors on tips for mental health.
I have taken many of these tips and added my own insights to them. Many of these got me through the bad times of my depression and anxiety. Today, I still utilise many of them on a daily basis. (You know… because depression never really goes away). Continue reading