Happy Easter

This morning is Good Friday. Happy Easter to you all.

As I sit at my computer and listen to the sounds of the world waking up outside, I heard the noises of the grandchildren waking up inside.
I went to check on them and this is what I found.

One is still sound asleep but the other two are quietly reading.
I love moments like these.

The World Today

I had an interesting conversation with my seniors the other day. It was Monday morning and they were talking about the news of the weekend and the world at large. One of them said “The world today is far more violent than it used to be”. I countered with the question, “Do you think the world is more violent, or is it that we are shown more coverage of the world’s violence due to the availability of satellites, telephones and the internet”?
This question was discussed for a number of minutes with the consensus among everyone that the world is far more violent than the one that they remember from their past.
Interestingly, I went looking for a photo to illustrate this post on Google just now. I typed in the search term “The World Today” and hundreds of photos filled my screen. Photos of war, starvation, refugees, soldiers, disasters, suffering and religious extremism. Peppered among these photos were brighter ones of quotes about change, royal weddings, technology and animals. The world is certainly a paradox. Continue reading

Adapting to Change

I need to go on record as saying that change is difficult for me. I enjoy my routines and knowing exactly how things are going to be. It’s the bane of the Garden Gnome’s life that I find it difficult to make decisions about a lot of things, preferring to go along with what everyone else wants to do (or eat). I’m happy to ride the middle road. (Maybe that’s a whole other issue there).
Yet, I’m learning that the only constant is change.
https://i0.wp.com/cdn-media-1.lifehack.org/wp-content/files/2013/09/The-only-thing-constant-is-change-so-you-have-to-learn-to-embrace-it..jpg Continue reading

It Goes On


I guess it’s a little odd to title my post and find an image that mirrors my blog name however I’m living this right now. I’ve had to teach myself once again that each day is a new day and that I am not a failure if I don’t reach the ideals that I set for myself. Continue reading