Books I’ve read in 2019

Although I’m a bit of slack blogger… Okay, a really slack one because this is my first post in 13 months, so that is pretty bad.
However, I still read a number of blogs when I get the opportunity, and this morning I read Aussa Loren’s post about the books she has read this year, which prompted me to write my own post.
Like Aussa, I keep a record of the books I read each year in a little notebook that I keep in the drawer of my bedside table. Beginning in 2015, I have recorded every book I have read (not including text books or research articles). 2019, saw my greatest number of books read yet. This list doesn’t include the two books that I began and couldn’t finish past the first 3 chapters, or the book that I bought thinking I had never read it and then realised part way in that I already have (but I still finished it anyway). My end total stood at 91 books  completed, and I am currently halfway through my 92nd book The Librarian of Auschwitz by Antonio Iturbe.  Continue reading