Eyes of Judgement – by Sue Jones

Life is too short to find fault with others when we should be looking within

Kindness Blog

Eyes of Judgement

I see you looking at me with judgement in your eyes.

I don’t mind you looking at me, but must you show your feelings so plainly on your face?
What is it this time that you are finding to criticize?
Is it the way that I am dressed or is it the way that I walk? Maybe it is my children that have caught your eye.
Is it my hair? Or maybe it is my piercings and body art?
Does my weight bother you? Am I too fat or far too skinny to be deemed appropriate?
Do you find me different in some way?
Not fitting into the conventions of your kind of ‘normal’.

You don’t know my story any more than I know yours.

We are two strangers on a crowded street pushed along in a sea of others that are also different in some way or another.

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The Gift of Compassion by Sue Jones

Compassion is such an important gift to have and it is equally wonderful to find that gift in others.
On the Kindness Blog I share another story from the loss of our angel.

Kindness Blog

compassion wallpaper

The best definition I have ever found for compassion is “to suffer together”.

I am of the belief that in order to be able to show compassion for another human being you must have suffered yourself at some time in the past. In the past few weeks, my family have suffered the tragedy of losing a premmie baby. During our suffering, there were many around us who showed compassion but the most amazing example of all was that of a midwife named Anne.

When my daughter in law went into premature labour a mere hour after her and my son had moved back to Queensland from Melbourne, I was concerned but hopeful. I was blessed to be able to hold my daughter-in-law’s hand, speak encouraging words and support both her and my son during this time. Medical staff began invading the room, however Anne kept me informed every step of…

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Convoy for Jorge by Sue Jones

I was so thrilled to watch this all unfold on Facebook and it was me who tagged Melissa. Speaking later with Melissa, she was overwhelmed by the experience.
I had the best time taking photos of the trucks on the day and by taking Master Four (my grandson) with me, I was elevated to ‘Best Ma’ status for the next day or so. 🙂

Kindness Blog

When Lisa Welch from Jimboomba, Queensland (Australia) was struggling with what to gift her son, for his upcoming 10th birthday, she was stumped. Her little boy Jorge has a disability. Born with Corticol Dysplasia, he is non-verbal and his brain functions at the capacity of an 18 month old child. Compounding this, Jorge also has severe Epilepsy suffering multiple seizures each day.

Jimboomba Jorge

Lisa had noticed that during the drive to school each weekday morning, Jorge almost jumped out of his seat with excitement every time they passed a big truck on the road. This was what gave her the idea to put a post on the local Scenic Rim Facebook Sell It page, asking for a person with a truck to visit their home for an hour and possibly take Jorge for a ride.

Within minutes Melissa Whelan whose husband Tom drives a big rig was tagged. Melissa who happened…

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Guest Blog Post at Deliberating Dave

The lovely Dave from Deliberating Dave has asked me to write a couple of posts for him in relation to politics. I don’t normally do politics on my blog because I don’t understand a heck of a lot about them apart from when it is shoved in my face at election time. (Well, that’s not quite true, I do know a little bit).
Apparently there are a couple of issues in the U.S. right now and Australia is being used an example of these things. One of these is gun control. I spent an evening researching this last week and learned some really interesting stuff. I also began reading about the Port Arthur Massacre which I speak about in my first paragraph but had to stop reading because the tears had begun to fall. (dang hormones again).

So here is the link to my post should you wish to read it since I have been unable to reblog. “My Thoughts on Gun Control”.

While you’re there, check out Dave’s blog. He is an extremely insightful writer.