Monochrome Madness 2-12

It’s Wednesday again, and that means that Monochrome Madness is once again on Leanne Cole’s blog.
I’m a little intermittent with my participation but when I remember, then I do try to send a photo to Leanne for inclusion in the challenge. Continue reading

Life goes on…..

In the endless cycle of day after day, our life runs right along with it. At least mine does anyway. lol
I would be hard pressed to say that my life is anything less than busy right now. This working lark isn’t all it’s cracked up to be!
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy my job immensely. I just don’t enjoy getting up each morning and rushing around and then coming home at the end of the day and dropping onto the couch and not wanting to move from there.
I feel as if I am letting my family down because some nights I’m hard pressed to get up and cook a meal. Continue reading

Having Second Thoughts

I read an interesting article the other day about our thoughts and our character. At the time, I thought “that’s interesting” but didn’t pay it much further thought until a day or so ago. The premise of the article was about our thoughts and how they align with our character and I’ve got to admit that it made me feel a little better about myself. Continue reading

Monday Musings

I am going to attempt to schedule some blog posts again since my life remains chaotic to some degree. When it is not chaotic, I am tired. When I am tired, I lay on the couch with my iPad and play mindless games before having an early night.
Either that, or I spend the time working on work stuff.
It’s one of those things, that when something occurs in life, priorities often need to be changed.
Unfortunately my blogging has been one of those things.
This is sad, because I really love my blog and the interactions that I have with all of you. So I am doing my best in keeping in touch even though it may be sporadic. Continue reading