The Beauty of a Woman

A few days ago, I stumbled upon a Huffington Post article in my FB feed discussing the current cover of the Australian Women’s Weekly. Let me just say, that I don’t buy this magazine all the time but it is one that I do enjoy reading. My reasons for not purchasing or reading are not because it isn’t a good magazine. Because it is. It’s just that I’m not a big fan of women’s magazines in general. (The last time I bought this magazine was a few months ago because I was interested in an article on the weight loss industry in Australia). What I will say is that of the magazines for women published here, the Australian Women’s Weekly appears to have the most integrity.
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Through my Lens – Cowra

I am really enjoying sharing photos taken on some of our travels around Australia so far. The photos I am sharing are from a trip we did in 2010 was a lot of fun.
Part of the fun of road trips is not having a set plan apart from a couple of things that we would like to see and do. We get in the car and we just ‘go’. One of my main things that I did want to do on this trip was visit Cowra to see the Japanese Gardens. I hoped beyond all hope that the Cherry Blossoms would be in flower and I wasn’t disappointed. Continue reading

I’m a Gunna

My mother has an expression that she uses when describing people she has met in her life. She calls them ‘Gunnas’. That is, these people are always ‘Gunna do this or gunna do that’ but their dreams never reach their reality.
This morning during my meditation, it came to me that I have become one of those ‘gunnas’. Continue reading

Friday in the land of Oz

Today is officially the last day of school for two weeks. The Tween is all dressed up in blue and off to the second day of her school sports carnival. She is not a competitor but tells me that she ‘coaches’ her friend who is. 🙂
She was telling me this morning that the school has awards for costumes. Yesterday it was for homemade costumes and today the awards are for those that are store bought. She was disappointed that the young fellow who made a blue Tardis didn’t place yesterday but agreed that the three young men who made red Transformers costumes (that actually transformed into a car) were pretty cool. She was also pretty impressed with the Barbies in their boxes that placed. I look forward to hearing what costumes there were at the carnival today. Continue reading

Facebook judgements

I’m not certain if I read this (or overheard it) the other day but the words “Don’t you just  love people who re-post inspirational things and positive stuff on their Facebook feed when their lives are anything but? Shouldn’t they practice what they preach?” jumped out at me.
As a person who often re-posts inspirational quotes or memes that I like on my FB feed, it made me think.
I wonder if I am one of those people this person was talking about?  Continue reading

Weekend Recap

Last Sunday, our little family was invited to lunch with some lovely young friends of ours at their current place of residence (and the property that they manage) at the base of Mt Barney.
Since we had been promising each other for years (i.e. each time we bumped into each other doing our grocery shopping at Coles in town) that we would get together for a BBQ, we finally made good on the promise. Packing the cheesecake and slice I had made the afternoon before, we set off late morning toward their home. It was a beautiful Sunday. The skies were clear from the winter storm of the previous evening and the weather wasn’t too cold at all.
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Through my Lens – Orange, Bathurst and Canowindra

After finding a motel to sleep at on the edge of the Blue Mountains the night before, we set off the next morning to visit some of the GG’s relatives in Orange. The GG’s mother was born and raised for part of her life in this area before moving to Queensland with the family and many of her relatives are still living around the Orange area. We dropped in on the GG’s cousin and then made plans to go out for brunch in town. However before doing that I toured the garden taking photos. Coming from a sub-tropical climate I don’t get to see a lot of the beautiful flowers like those in Carole’s garden. Continue reading