Cyclone Debbie

Welcome to Australia.
We like to welcome many to our lovely country to share in the beauty of it all however in late March and early April we had a visitor that wasn’t so welcome.
Her name was Cyclone Debbie
All jokes aside about what Debbie usually does, in this case she caused utter devastation and loss of life. If you read the link above, it gives a brief Wikepedia overview of it all.
In our local area, we weren’t affected by the impact of the cyclone itself but the aftermath of her being downgraded. Generally, cyclones turn into tropical lows that result in a lot of rainfall. Debbie however, also retained the winds and the Bureau of Meteorology images still showed a distinct eye as she moved steadily south. Continue reading

The Hunt for my Creativity

So much has happened in the last month. So many memories made…tears shed…challenges…and always love. If there is one thing that abounds in my family, it is love. We may not always outwardly show it, but it’s there.
As a postscript to my last post about Ethel** (not her real name). I went off to visit her bright and early on the Monday morning with hopes of seeing the smile on her face when I told her what alias I had given her in my blog post, to find her bed empty. Thinking she had been transferred to the nursing home, I approached the nursing station and spoke to the nurses on duty who informed me that sadly, Ethel had left this earth on the day after I saw her.
I still feel upset when I think of it all. I found about her funeral and made an effort to get there but due to the flooding occurring in our area at the time, the funeral had been postponed and I had no way of knowing when it had been postponed to. So I said my goodbye to her quietly here at home and fondly  think of her wit and sense of humour regularly. Continue reading