Making sense of the world

Apparently Christmas will be here in a few short weeks. I don’t feel it yet. This is most unusual for me as Christmas is my favourite time of year. Sadly, something is missing this year. My joy for celebration has gone, and I have no idea what happened. I feel emotions; more strongly than I thought was possible,but joy isn’t here just yet. Continue reading

If you haven’t walked in their shoes…..

I clearly recall the day that James* entered the facility I am employed at. His family just dumped him and left.
I was still a volunteer at that time and was assisting one of the Diversional Therapists in calling Hoy. A group of staff members walked past us with him. They were telling James that the car park was just on the other side of the building at the end of the path. I knew they were lying. The only thing at the end of the path was Violet wing. Violet is the dementia unit. Continue reading

Life isn’t all Sunshine and Rainbows

As much as I’d like to say that life is filled with sunshine and rainbows, I can’t in all honesty look you in the eye and lie.
Life sucks sometimes.
Yes, the sunshine and rainbows are there. They are always there. However in the midst of our search to find them, we have to part the rain and storm clouds to get there.
Some wonderful politician in an attempt to relate to the general public, once pontificated that “Life wasn’t meant to be easy”.
Well if that’s not truth from a pollie, I don’t know what is. Continue reading


Often, I lay in bed (or on the couch) and allow my mind to wander. I think about life as it is now and what is happening in my world (I try not to dwell too much on what is occurring in the world at large because that is just too depressing). Recently though, I’ve realised that my thoughts are often rooted in memories of the past.
Current events in my life appear to be the trigger for these flashbacks.
Then I think “I should write that in my journal”. However my journal (along with my blog) has been sadly neglected of late unfortunately. I need to spend a couple of hours of my time in writing and just catch up on everything that has been happening in the past couple of months. Believe me, it’s been a ride and a half but not altogether a bad one.  Continue reading

It’s Okay to Not be Okay

Last week I found out that one of my previous clients, Ethel**(not her real name) was in the local hospital.
I’ve always admired Ethel and got on very well with her. An ex-school teacher, she has survived a lot in her life including domestic violence and being a sole parent. Ethel’s mind is as a sharp as a tack and we have often discussed books, craft and world events and enjoyed a good laugh together. Her sense of humour is absolutely wicked. She is a ‘call it as she see’s it’ kinda lady.
So when I heard she was in the hospital, I went to visit. When I arrived, she was in deep discussion with two other people so I took myself off for a 20 minute walk and returned later. Continue reading

A Time of Change and Learning

Last night my mother asked me whether I intended to continue with my blog? My one word answer was “Yes”.
I confess, I have left you all sadly neglected of late whilst I have allowed myself to wallow in self pity and other other such feelings that we as human beings tend to indulge in from time to time.
This year however, is a time of change, learning and growth for me and I confess to missing the interaction that I have with you all as I go through these changes. So here’s to a new change on that front.

I’m sure that to many of you it seems as if my life is always about learning and growth. You only have to read back through many of my past blog posts to see that.
I liken myself to a pot plant. I grow and thrive when the conditions are perfect (good food, great atmosphere etc) but die back when neglected or something becomes lacking in my daily care. Only to come back better and stronger when looked after once again. And since it is me that looks after myself, then I get what I put out ha ha.
A better comparison may have been a phoenix rising from the ashes but I think that a pot plant suits me better. 😀 Continue reading


There comes a time in life when you just need to rest.
No hurrying about. Not doing anything life changing.
Just spending time with yourself and resting…. your mind…. your body…. and your spirit.
If we don’t take the time to do this of our own accord from time to time the universe will take it out of our hands and force it upon us.
And so it was with me.
I now find myself in a place of resting. Continue reading

And she’s back….. kinda… sorta (and really random)

One of my newest followers is a lovely lady called Deborah Weber who has recently been completing an A-Z daily post that has inspired me to once again do one of these.
It’s been a while since I have blogged every day but I’m going to give it a go. Of course it will entail pre-writing and scheduling on my part in order to have a daily post because due to my head (maybe more on that later) and coming home from work tired, I don’t get to my computer every day. Continue reading