In uncertain times – be grateful

It’s hard to remain grounded with the world going mad around us. I confess, it concerns me as well, so I’ve had to try to stop watching television or listening to the news on the radio. Covid19 has impacted my world. Maybe not as much as it has impacted the world of others, but I’ve still felt the repercussions of it.
So, I don’t want this to be a doom and gloom post. Because when it comes down to it, we are all resilient human beings, and there are so many wonderful blessings around us. Continue reading

Well Played Universe… Well Played

Napoleon Hill started it all in 1937 with his book “Think and Grow Rich”.
He opened our minds to the concept of universal abundance and visualisation. Today, the teaching is still around and espoused by many such as Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra.
It was made especially popular through the writings in “The Secret” and “E-Squared” (both of which I’ve read). So it stands to reason that I believe that we can create our own prosperity and abundance and often try it out. Continue reading

The little bird with the big voice

This past week has been Bird Week here in my part of Australia and twitchers, birders, birdwatchers and ornithologists all over have been out and about identifying and recording bird calls and sightings to go into a national count. Run by the group Birds in Backyards,  even amateur bird lovers such as myself are encouraged to download the app and sit in their back yard and listen and watch for 20 minutes whilst recording the number and species of birds that they observe. This enables the group to compile a report on the changing habitats and habits of our little feathered friends.
So the past week has seen me with phone and field guide in hand ambling around my garden or seated in our outdoor entertainment area observing. Continue reading

On reaching a milestone….

What do they call middle age now? I think I’ll look it up….

noun: middle age

the period after early adulthood and before old age, about 45 to 65.

Well that’s a relief, I thought I was past it! Looks like I’ve still got some time to go. Whew!
According to quite a few of my friends and family, I’m now officially old and ailing quickly.
Thank goodness for Google to pick me up and put me back on my feet. Continue reading

Striking a Balance

You may have noticed my presence is slightly sporadic right now. You have my apologies. The truth is that I am working to find that balance between home, study, work and blogging. My study has taken a back seat this week whilst I learn my new job and unfortunately so has my blogging. I am coming in the door each afternoon mentally fatigued. I have fired up the computer with the intention of reading blogs, writing a post or working on my research project but generally get very little done. 😳 Right now, all is ok in our lives. There are some adjustments to be made by everyone. I have had to start working to a schedule again and that’s a lot of fun (spoken with my tongue firmly in my cheek). But you know what? Life is good. Each day is filled with gratitude and beauty. I am blessed. I trust that your days are also filled with joy, love, beauty and blessings also.

Emotional Rollercoasters – Part of Linda’s SOCS

This prompt of Linda’s couldn’t have come at a more opportune (if you wish to look at it that way) time as the past couple of weeks has seen my emotions swing to extremes.

As I sat at my computer this morning, I realised that I needed to write a blog post but what to write…. what to write…. and then I found this prompt. Okay, technically it is Sunday where I am but I think I probably squeak into Saturday for those of you on the northern side of the equator. Continue reading