Fellow Blogger – ME!!!!

Fellow-BloggerAlthough for a greater part of this past week, I have felt like two different people, rather than interviewing myself, the Diva has kindly stepped in to take my place this evening. πŸ˜€ Any references you may have about my sanity (or lack thereof) can be addressed in the comments πŸ˜‰

Hi Suz, welcome to my couch. I’ve been looking forward to interviewing you all month. You have some really hard acts to follow after the talent that has been here before you, you know.Β  There was this one guy that threatened to bring his dog you know. Anyway, tell me though, what drew you to begin blogging?

Hmmmmm. Well initially I began blogging as a platform for the book I was writing on depression although as the months have gone, I’ve discovered that I really, really like writing and sharing my words with others. It’s been satisfying to find that people enjoy what I write. (And it’s great for the ego πŸ˜€ )

You know if your head got any bigger, it would have its own postcode don’t you?

Don’t be like that. That’s not very nice. People won’t like you if you’re nasty you know.

*sigh* If you say so but I’m a cat so I don’t really care. I know you want to say more, so tell me how long you have been blogging?

I actually had a Blogger blog for some years a while ago when the children were a lot younger and I was designing Digital Scrapbooking kits for sale in a couple of U.S. stores. My blog then was a mix of anecdotes and advertising of my designs. When I started working in the disability sector, my time became very limited so I printed off all of my blogs and closed down my site. I began my WordPress Blog in August after I returned from the Hay House Writer’s Workshop in Melbourne. That was in August 2013.

So you’re not new to blogging at all?

No. Although I really didn’t have the readership and following that I do now. There is a lot more interaction with others in WordPress and I love it.

Will you please stop butting in? I’ve got an interview to run here. Does this blog of yours have any particular theme?

When I began I wanted to write about depression and recovering from that. It was something that was very relevant at the time with the GG going through tough times and me having been there before and still having occasional lapses. However, things evolved and my blog became about being honest with yourself and looking for the beauty in the every day. Then I felt compelled to write about grief and loss and miscarriage. There are many things I write about really so I guess I have no particular theme apart from remaining positive and living life to the fullest.

Well we can all do with a bit of positivity in our lives that’s for sure. I’m positive that you’re going to feed me tonight.
What about challenges? Do you have challenges in your life that you blog about?
You know cats don’t have challenges right? Oh, apart from working out how to get to that canary you got for Christmas.

My life sometimes seems like one long challenge. This week has been pretty rough and I’ve stepped away from the computer because of it. I asked my boss today why it was one thing after another and she replied “Because when you get over this bump you have something else that you can write about and help people with”. I guess that’s one way of looking at it hey? I’ve said it a million times – “Blogging is the best (and cheapest) form of therapy”.

You’ve probably said it more than that you know!! πŸ™‚ I know because I hear it.
Anyway, how often do you blog? You always seem to be in the computer room.

When I’m on a roll, I try to blog about three times a day (roughly every 8 hours) however lately it’s only been about once a day. The Fellow Blogger series ends this evening with moi but I will consider running it weekly after this. I still have two love languages (as defined by Gary Chapman) to blog about also.

Three times a day is heaps you know. That time could be spent laying behind the curtain in the sun.

Yes. I will admit that it gets a bit much sometimes but I have so much to say at times…

Like right now you mean…..

Oh be quiet.

No. I still have more questions to ask. Like, where do you get your inspiration for your posts?

Wow. Like so many others, I find my inspiration from everywhere. Conversations with colleagues, what is happening in my life right now, what I see outside my window…. really the list is endless. Sometimes I read something on another person’s blog that clicks on that little light bulb in my head and I think ‘aha’. I have a large notebook with scribbled thoughts in it that I turn to when I’m lost. Or, I find a quote that I love and create a piece of digital art and then I write about that. I’m thinking of doing a book with my digital art quotes and my thoughts.

Yeh, yeh…. so the next question you want me to ask is “Have you gained anything through blogging”?

I’ve gained heaps. I have discovered that in this big wide world of ours there are people out there just like me. People who love and laugh and have difficulties in life but pull themselves up and determine to carry on. I’ve gained some friends. And I’ve gained greater self -esteem.

Sounds great. I know you’ve been collecting some of the quotes that other bloggers have been sharing with you but do you have a favourite quote?

Do you really need to ask that?

Well yeh! Because you put it in the questions.

Yes. There is one quote that has got me through some really tough times (and believe me there have been a lot of them over the years).

In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on – Robert Frost

I’ve learned that life indeed does go on. Each day the sun comes up again and it is filled with the promise of a new day. Each day is an unblemished canvas. And as long as you are still breathing – life goes on. It might feel as if the air has been crushed from you and there is nothing but darkness ahead but this is fleeting and you will emerge stronger for having endured what you have.

Sounds as if you know what you are talking about.

Funnily enough – yes I do.

The GG complains you are on the computer all the time and surely you aren’t spending all of that time writing, so you obviously read other blogs. What draws you to those other blogs?

I follow an awful lot of blogs and each is unique in their own way. I have diverse interests so many of the blogs I follow aren’t just about serious issues but also about craft, writing, poetry or photography. I follow the blogs of fellow Aussies and I also follow blogs that deal with depression, mental illness or grief. I’m drawn to bloggers who are honest and say what they think. I love blogs that are positive and share great stories or hope for the future.

I love great writing as well and of course I love to laugh!

Okay, okay – sheesh you’re long winded. I’ve had enough and I want to go and eat. Have you put anything in my bowl yet or do I have to nag again tonight? Do you have anything else to say before you vacuum the couch and get my food out of the cupboard?

You know you can be really quite rude at times. I don’t know how I put up with you.

You love me ’cause I’m cute.

What I would like to say is that I’ve really enjoyed getting to know so many of you and learning about you and your blogs. It’s been a lot of fun and I’m hoping to run this maybe as a weekly thing from now on so if anyone is interested, please email me and I’ll get back to you. Blogging has given me so much….

I’m getting hungry……

As I was saying, blogging has given me so much pleasure and it is a pleasure to be able to share with you all also. So thanks.

Have you finished now? Great!! I’m starving.

74 thoughts on “Fellow Blogger – ME!!!!

  1. I love this, Sue! It’s so lovely to read about you after learning about your guests from the series. I love your sense of humour and zest for life! It’s a real pleasure and honour knowing you! Hugs x


    1. I’m so pleased you have enjoyed it. It was a lot of work to put together so I’m hoping to scale back on it. Are you interested in being interviewed at some stage πŸ˜‰


      1. I can imagine how much work it would have been, it was both entertaining and informative you did an fantastic job. I would definitely love to be interviewed at some stage, that would be a real privilege. πŸ™‚


  2. What a wonderful big smile you have given me (and others I am sure!) today.
    Precious and lovely and entertaining and super and cute and fun and true and real and — you got me going now — off to fix something to nibble πŸ˜€
    Lovely one Suz πŸ˜‰


    1. Oh Len, I don’t know how I put up with her at times. If she’s not sleeping, she’s demanding to be fed. I had to bribe her to interview me you know. πŸ˜‰
      And Len…. thanks πŸ˜€


  3. You made me smile and chuckle today! My cats talk to me the same way. πŸ˜‰ I, too, have enjoyed this series. I have a bunch of blogs to check out!


    1. Is it a world-wide conspiracy with cats do you think? Are they out to take over the universe?
      Glad I could make you smile April. I was returning the favour – loved your butt pincushion πŸ˜‰ Between us both we’ve been having a tough week so all smiles count right?


  4. I love it! The title alone made me smile. I swear it’s something I’d say! lol BTW, I deal with depression too. I don’t talk about it that much. Everyone is different about how they deal with it and I’m so glad you find blogging therapeutic! I find it therapeutic to read your blogs because they make me smile. πŸ˜€


    1. True, we all find different ways to deal with that horrible beast Laura. You keep taking photos and looking for the beauty in the world and capturing it through your lens. That’s got to help as well right?
      I’m glad I made you smile. And you know you can email me any time as well πŸ™‚


      1. Thank you so much for your support Suz. You’re such a nice person, truly. And the same goes for you. It takes awhile for me to get comfortable with people but it seems you have the knack for making it so for me! The photos do help and it’s one reason I do mostly color. I find it makes me happy. πŸ˜€


  5. That was great fun to read! Perhaps I’ll write a psychiatric interview of myself…..right around Halloween time. I’m not sure anybody should be forced to live rent free in my brain, it’s dark and scary up there πŸ™‚


  6. Very nicely done. I enjoyed getting to know a bit more about you. That cat of yours has quite an attitude, doesn’t it? πŸ™‚
    Thanks for sharing.


    1. You have no idea just how much attitude. She can go from purring and rubbing against my hand to trying to scratch me in a nanosecond lol
      Thanks for reading Dave. πŸ™‚


  7. This was a brilliant read that let me know a lot more about you! And you’re right when it comes to WordPress and Blogger – at WordPress, it feels like I’m actually part of a community. πŸ™‚ Keep writing! πŸ™‚


  8. Great post. Your interviewer was very catty. I too find blogging a great therapy, also very addictive (maybe not a good thing, but better than many other addictions and lots cheaper.)


  9. Loved reading this. They say ‘The meek will inherit the world’ but I believe the cats will :)) Have been really busy with being back at work , so catching up on reading blogs is a good relaxant. :))


    1. I guess you would be back in full swing now. The Tween has taken to high school like a duck to water and you would never think she had even been on school holidays.
      You’re probably right about the cats you know.


  10. Love this. It almost sounded like my life lately, except mine seems to always be full of train wrecks just waiting for me to create them. If I can knock it down and drag it behind me, consider it a done deal.


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