I is for Impossible

I’d like to start the post today with some quotes.

It always seems impossible – until its done – Nelson Mandela

Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible – St Francis of Assisi

Nothing is impossible. The word itself says “I’m possible” – Audrey Hepburn

It is kind of fun to do the impossible – Walt Disney

When we remove the doubts and nagging thoughts from our lives, we can achieve. We can become what we never thought possible.
When we set our sights upon our goal and start taking those baby steps forward, we will conquer.
Nothing is impossible.

On the day I was compiling my words for the alphabet posts, my Tween suggested the word impossible. I loved it. I spoke about how nothing is impossible and that we can all achieve our goals if we set the intention to do so. I continued that there are no impossibilities in the world.
And then she took her pin and burst my bubble with her next words “Try breathing on the moon (or under water) without a mask”.

Dang that girl!!


26 thoughts on “I is for Impossible

  1. Determination usually wins, because it inspires the person to keep trying until they prove it can or cannot be done. And usually, it can if it is humanly possible.


  2. I love this. I wish I was in the frame of mind to believe in possibilities at this exact moment. A few moments from now, I may change my mind. 🙂


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