Update on the Hay House comp for tickets

Remember the competition where I put my book proposal forward in order to win tickets to the next two day Writer’s Workshop?
Well this is the Leaderboard.

If you’d like to vote/share/comment then you can find me at entry #2 on either of these Facebook pages
Hay House Auditions or Hay House Australia or you can go here to vote.
Thank you so much for those of you who have already voted and for the wonderful comments left (you know who you are). I truly appreciate it.
My future is in the hands of the universe now.
What will be will be 🙂

27 thoughts on “Update on the Hay House comp for tickets

  1. It’s kinda disappointing that a writing workshop judges their winner by the amount of publicity the entrant can give them. Surely they should be more interested in ability. For what it’s worth I’ve voted but I think you deserve to be there on merit anyway personally . I think I might just tell them that – but perhaps I better wait for the end of the comp so as not to jinx you lol


    1. As it is for free tickets (approximately $300-$400 if you were to pay), I guess they want to ensure that the ticket holders are writing books that just might be sellers (if they win the comp). I guess it is all about marketing really and this is a way of testing the waters of potential authors to see just how well they can market.


    1. On the Hay House Audition page, I am way at the bottom and on the Hay House Australia page, I am a fair way down as well. I am entry number 2.
      On the voting page, you have to scroll right to the bottom and then click page 2 to find me. 🙂


  2. How often can we vote? I have voted once last week. I too dislike this type of competition as it is more a popularity contest than content. Having said that I will vote as often as I’m allowed for you.


    1. There are three different pages to vote on. I am guessing that it is possible to like the post on each page and the voting page only allows one vote per person. I voted for another blogger who has put an entry in.
      Thank you Tric for your encouragement and support.
      I guess I see it as a strategy by the publishing company to see whether you are able to market yourself rather than a popularity contest. After all, at the end of the day they want to make money off their authors.


        1. I’m not sure what is going on Mona. When you go to the link it invites you to enter but if you keep scrolling down it takes you through all of the entries.


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