Life Makeover – Week 5

What is the one thing that every person on this earth often bemoans the lack of? If you guessed money, you would be wrong. If you guessed happiness, you would also be wrong.
The one thing that (almost) every person on this earth (regardless of race, creed or colour) lacks and wishes that they had more of is of course ‘Time’. If I had $1 for each time that I have heard someone say “Where has the year gone?”, “Time moves so much more quickly these days” or “I wish I had more hours in the day” then I wouldn’t be counting pennies today. Continue reading


Another old journal post to share today:

“Today I want to talk about time. Time is important for us all. It provides structure to our days and helps us in countless ways. However, many people become slaves to time. There are exceptions to this rule I know. I have family members who we always know will turn up for any event at least an hour late. We expect this. We laughingly refer to their lateness as running on ‘Joseph Time’. Continue reading