‘What do women want?’ is the smartest question a man could ever ask – suzjones

I had so much fun writing this for Don however when I read this out to the Garden Gnome, he had much to say. I foresee a future blog post coming up 😉

Don Charisma

This is cutting edge improvisational blogging.

We call it – “Whose Blog is it anyway ?”

We have written this for FUN, not serious, to amuse ourselves and our readers, and help promote our blogs. So please read with that in mind.

Me And Mrs Jones

Suz and I have become friends through the fact she spends more time on my blog than anyone else, she’s top of my commenters and has been for months now. I think she may even spend more time on my blog than I do !

She’s a good-hearted lady, who’d do anything for me, so proud to have her writing on my blog. I never told anyone this before, but when I first “met” her I didn’t even know she had a blog that she updated, her link took me back to an old blog that hadn’t been updated in years. It’s only by…

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