Just checking in

I am still in the land of the living.
Just so you all know.
I have the middle child and his wife visiting with us for a week or so before they move on to visit with her parents. The weekend has been busy catching up with family – some of whom have never met my son’s wife. We have another dinner catchup with others tonight.
His wife is a crafty person and loves sewing so we spent a portion of yesterday in Lincraft at Toowoomba having a wonderful time. At night, we sit on the couch and she cross stitches whilst I work on my little hexagons. My hand sewing is terrible at night and I have much trouble in threading the needle. The Garden Gnome has offered to thread the needle for me but my pride gets in the way and I insist on doing it myself. Yesterday I bought a big magnifying thingy to hang around my neck whilst I work on craft projects. Every little bit helps right?

Saturday saw my whole tribe together (complete with grandchildren). We went to a large shopping centre (mall) to look for some clothes and then we were going to go bowling. It didn’t work out that way however. We did some shopping. The kids had the best fun playing with their uncle (who they have seen only a couple of times in their lives). There were tears and a few tantrums throughout the afternoon (and that was just the adults) but the day went fairly smoothly. Late lunch/early dinner at Sizzler and then we visited my father. Yesterday we travelled to visit my mother. So we have been very busy. We left there late afternoon to travel home and I snapped these photos (using my phone) through the windscreen. The sun was setting in the west behind us but in the east ahead of us was this amazing line of cloud over the range we had to cross to go home. We had been in cloudless skies all day on one side of the range but on the other we crossed into overcast skies.

ImageWe were driving through agricultural countryside and the land is terribly brown and dry right now as you can see in the next photo. (It is green along the road edges because if a shower of rain does come through, it runs off the bitumen and onto the edges of the road).


Healthwise – the medication I am on to dampen the head spins is working slightly but they make me terribly tired. I find by about 4pm I can hardly keep my eyes open. This afternoon I am going for more tests.

I will get back to my regular posting schedule as soon as I can. 🙂

Have a blessed day one and all 😀

43 thoughts on “Just checking in

  1. Glad you are alive and kicking! And clicking too. Those pics are so beautiful even if the land is dry. 😦 We finally had some rain after a few months of not a drop. Hope to see more of you around these parts. 😉


    1. Hey Laura – yes I’m still clicking. I took some sunset photos from the moving car yesterday as well 🙂
      I’m glad you finally had some rain. According to my father in law, we are due some rain soon. He was looking a the clouds around the moon last night to make his prediction. 🙂


      1. I call that “better living through technology” and it’s one of my major themes in life, being a non-stop geek since there was geekery to play with… I think it’s one of the few ways we have of controlling our environments to suit our various challenges. It could be your lil thing on your neck, it could be the magnifying glass off my “third hand” for tech uses, it could be the tablet I got for xmas that helps when I can’t type on THIS keyboard… use it, friend, use it. I’ve been thinking about adding another blog on JUST this topic. It has such power! Take care, and thanks for the wonderful views of down under for those of us up here in N. Am… Beautiful!


  2. Be well, Sue. Best wishes for health and happiness.

    “What a beautiful but small country you have,” said the Canadian with an evil grin }:-)>, hoping there were no Russians reading the post.


  3. Enjoy this lovely chance with all your family together. How fantastic it must be , sounds like your boy has picked a girl like his mum. The blog will be here when you return – I for one will be watching for it 🙂 Here’s hoping you get more used to the medication and the sleepy side effect is overcome. xx


  4. It must be frustrating to be feeling dizzy all the time. I wish your doctor could pin point the trouble.

    Take your time. We’ll be here waiting for your return.


    1. Hey April. Good to see you. 🙂 We’re off day tripping again today. Tomorrow they are doing things with others so I’ll get the opportunity to relax and enjoy my day to myself. lol


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