Would you Rather

Miss Joey from joeyfullystated answered a challenge/interview the other day about her reading. She chose not to nominate anyone to carry it on, however left it open to those of us who haven’t done a blog post in like, forever wish to answer the same questions to do so.
I figured it was a perfect way to get myself somewhat back into this blogging gig. (I truly can’t believe it’s been over a month since my last post). So here goes…..Would you rather only read trilogies or only read standalones?

That’s really a difficult one. I love both. I  do enjoy a good trilogy or series but find it difficult to wait for the next book to come out. (I’m looking at you Terry Brooks). I should be like my mother who waits for me to collect them all and then borrow them to read all at once. Some books are worth the wait but some make me wonder why I bothered waiting (I’m thinking of the last in the Earth’s Children series). I’m also remembering a particular trilogy by an Australian fantasy author where the third book has been forthcoming since 2002. If it even comes out, I would have to re-read the other two to refresh my memory. (And now in my research I find that this particular author has a 7th book coming out for a series that I thought finished after book 6. Another book to add to my reading list since I already own the other 6). 😉
To answer the question, standalones are just awesome for a quick read that I can walk away from. Trilogies keep me enthralled as I follow the plots and subplots over a period of time. However, like Joey, they do keep me up reading late at night.

IMG_6601Would you rather only read male or female authors?

I’m an equal opportunity reader and have authors of both genders within my collection. I must say though that if I am reading personal development or self help books that are unique to female issues, I do prefer them to be written by a female e.g. the best book I ever read on menopause was written by a woman with contributions by other women. I sometimes think that the males (even though they may have the learning) just don’t understand women as well as they think they do.

Would you rather shop at Barnes and Noble or Amazon?

Shopping at Barnes and Noble may be a dream for me since they don’t exist here in Australia. I have shopped at Amazon on occasion for books that I can’t source locally. I prefer to shop in any store that sells books. My all-time favourite book store is a little shop called “That Book Place” up the road from me about 15 minutes or so. It’s shelves are filled to over-flowing and books are piled on the floor as well. It has a combination of new and used books and believe it or not the owners know practically every book in there and where it can be found. I love that I can walk in there and ask a question and they can answer it without me trawling the shelves looking. Of course, some days half the fun is in trawling the shelves and seeing what treasures I can find. I also love that I can take books into them and build up store credit that can be taken off future purchases. Win-win all round.

Would you rather books were made into TV shows or movies?

I don’t know about this. To make something interesting on screen the producers seem to think that they need to add things (or take them away). Nothing can compete with what we see in our minds when reading a book and everyone’s mind pictures are going to be different. It means that some people are going to love the tv show/movie and some are going to hate it. Probably the best adaptation I’ve seen so far of a book onto the screen would have to Outlander. I think that is in part to the fact that the author has a huge part in it all.

Would you rather read only five pages per day or five books per week?

I would rather read five books per week but my reality is five pages per day. Better a little each day than none at all.

Would you rather be a professional author or reviewer?

Definitely author. It’s been my dream for such a long time and I’m booked in for another Hay House Writer’s Workshop next month. (This time I only have to travel an hour to get to it – woot). My only sadness comes from the fact that I seem to have lost my writing direction lately and I don’t know where I want to go with it.

Would you rather be a librarian or a bookseller?

Can you be both? I think a bookstore owner is sort of like a librarian aren’t they? Both roles  require that you know about the books.

Would you rather read only your favorite genre, or every other genre but your favorite?

Whilst I absolutely adore my favourite genre (after all it wouldn’t be a favourite otherwise would it?), once again I am equal opportunity with my reading. I don’t think I can stay away from my favourite genre for too long though. It’s like welcoming back an old friend when I open the cover and begin the first lines.

Would you rather only read ebooks or physical books?

I like the idea of ebooks (or audio books) when I am travelling but nothing can take the place of the feeling I get when I stroke the cover of a book, or open the pages of a coffee table book and see photos in print. There is also nothing like going into a book store, picking up a book and reading the dust jacket or cover or seeing the rows of books upon the shelves. You can’t get that kind of feeling from opening your library on your reader.

I’m going to do what Joey did and leave this open to anyone that wishes to play along. 🙂

9 thoughts on “Would you Rather

  1. I haven’t watched the full series Joey because I have limited control of the remote in my home, however the couple that I have seen stick to the storyline really well.


  2. Glad to see you are back. I too have been away for a loooong time ( really I’ve only been in blog land A handful of times maybe this year. The book / physical book is an interesting debate. I love ebooks because they are so portable and haven’t bought a paper book in years. I feel I can justify keeping them too when I’m trying to keep shelf clutter to a minimum ( though my iPad storage is very cluttered instead ha ha ha )

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There are always two sides to every argument really. The problem with storage is that something has to be deleted and then you might have to lose a book or two in order to fit more in iykwim?


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