Well Played Universe… Well Played

Napoleon Hill started it all in 1937 with his book “Think and Grow Rich”.
He opened our minds to the concept of universal abundance and visualisation. Today, the teaching is still around and espoused by many such as Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra.
It was made especially popular through the writings in “The Secret” and “E-Squared” (both of which I’ve read). So it stands to reason that I believe that we can create our own prosperity and abundance and often try it out. Continue reading

My life has become a Disney song

Just the other afternoon I said to someone “How can I write about happiness when I am struggling to maintain it”?
I guess it was a rhetorical question. In any case, my friend didn’t answer me. It’s a bit of a tricky one to answer after all.
What I am learning is that happiness is something that evolves and it certainly isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ type of achievement.
I’m also learning little lessons that I am writing in my book.
Maybe that is the reason for my struggle. Continue reading

The little bird with the big voice

This past week has been Bird Week here in my part of Australia and twitchers, birders, birdwatchers and ornithologists all over have been out and about identifying and recording bird calls and sightings to go into a national count. Run by the group Birds in Backyards,  even amateur bird lovers such as myself are encouraged to download the app and sit in their back yard and listen and watch for 20 minutes whilst recording the number and species of birds that they observe. This enables the group to compile a report on the changing habitats and habits of our little feathered friends.
So the past week has seen me with phone and field guide in hand ambling around my garden or seated in our outdoor entertainment area observing. Continue reading

Happiness Tip #1

Tell others you love them

On a Sunday afternoon in July 2009 I was pottering around my home when the telephone rang. Picking it up, I heard “Hi Sis”.
It was the voice of Peter, my baby brother calling from his hospital bed.
Although Peter had been ‘through the mill’ health-wise over the years, battling leukaemia and GVH (graft versus host disease) after a life saving bone marrow transplant, he had been admitted to hospital a couple of days earlier as a precautionary measure following a routine visit to his oncologist. In the days prior, Peter had been knocked low with the ‘flu and his blood work didn’t look too good so he was now found himself occupying a hospital bed. Continue reading

Catching Waves

On Australia Day last year, I guest posted on the blog of the Opiniated Man –  HarsH ReaLiTy with my post “Catching Waves”.
Sadly, my original post is no longer there. Luckily, I have a copy of it.
So, why am I talking about this old post now?
Well, a couple of weeks ago I was chatting with a beautiful and amazing young woman who has been a part of my life for almost as long as she has been alive.  I love her very much. Unfortunately she is facing a battle with the insidious disease that begins with the letter ‘C’.
During our visit, we talked about all manner of things not related to her diagnosis, because after all who wants to talk about sad things all the time? Of course, the topic of conversation often drifted back to her diagnosis, treatment and her views on life. Continue reading

I have a dream…

I’ve had it for a while.  The dream I mean.
You know the one? The dream of writing a book.
The words are there inside me, tumbling over and over in my mind. It’s like a tiny little alien predator just waiting to break forth some days.
I’ve wavered about what to write. I’ve picked up one idea, examined it and then discarded it for another. I have jotted ideas and notes in notebooks laying all over the house but struggle to find EXACTLY what it is that I want to share with the world. Continue reading

Teen smiles

Over the years, the Teen has decorated her door on a number of occasions. It has held photos of herself with her cousins, school projects, art works and other items.
It’s current incarnation is a collage of photos of herself and her school friends (taken in the school yard) and many of the things that they say.
Many of the photos, match the sayings that have been stuck around it. Continue reading