What I’m working on…..

Let’s see. What am I working on in my life right now?
I am working on maintaining my calm.
I confess that the past couple of days, I have snapped more than necessary and the poor GG has copped my raised voice. In my defense, he wasn’t entirely innocent however I should not have snapped. I don’t usually snap at people but sometimes I do. And I don’t like it.
I am working on getting through the week.
There is nothing worse than knowing that you have four days left to work and a whole bucketload of stuff to be done before your final minutes and not wanting to be there at all.I am working on sorting out some sort of timetable for my coming weeks. I think I will write lists of all the things that need to be done and tick them off as I go. I need to set aside some time each day to study and also time to write.
I am working on simplifying my life. At the end of it all, I may even have a garage sale although the GG has begged me not to sell ‘rubbish’ because he doesn’t want the neighbours picking through it and thinking bad things. 🙂
I am working on getting better with my sewing and thinking about setting up a little on-line store to sell bags or other such things. I am collecting patterns and fabric.
I am working on reading through the pile of books beside my bed (if I could only stop buying more to add to it).
I am working on my blog. According to my stats I have had 24,000 views as of a few minutes ago. I mean how freakin’ awesome is that? I want to spend some time on my blog in the coming weeks and give you what you want. To that end, I may even include a poll at the bottom. 🙂
And on the fun side of things, I am working on the following:
20140527-001The end is in sight on the Tween’s quilt. I have two more of the tracks to sew down, sew lace over some of the more obvious mistakes and then bind. I’m on the home straight. I put it on her bed the other day to get an idea of how big it is and it touches the floor on all sides. After her quilt is finished I want to start smaller quilts for the grandkids.
20140527-002-copyI am making place mats. I had hoped to have them all finished by the weekend before last but things don’t always turn out that way. I didn’t touch my sewing machine for nearly 3 weeks. There are other colours as well and there will be one for each of the grandchildren as well.
20140527-004Although I haven’t done much on this in a few weeks, my hexagon hand sewn quilt is growing in size. The Tween doesn’t like it because it is so random.
I’m also dabbling in a bit of drawing. Not sure what I will do with this picture. I might add a quote to it yet. I’m not 100% happy with the watercolour pencils I am using but it’s all trial and error and I’m no Picasso. lol I have lots of drawing books that I want to read and practice with.
20140527-005So that is what I am working on.
I’m also thinking of doing some digital designs like my Buddha I shared the other day but not sure whether there would be a market for that.

I’m going to put a little poll in here to ask you some questions about my blog and what you’d like to see more/less of. Please bear in mind that there are going to be times that I use my blog as a place to unburden my soul and share my feelings because after all, it is my blog. 🙂

You can choose as many as you want.

Have a blessed day. 🙂

39 thoughts on “What I’m working on…..

    1. Thank you. Not really a lot of patience. This has been a project for a few months now that I put down and then pick up again. The fact that we are coming into winter means it has hastened my speed to finish. 🙂


  1. Your quilt is beautiful- the colors are soothing and so pleasing to the eye. Love your art too. 24,000 views??? That is awesome!!! (I’m happy if I get more than 50!!) Keep doing what you’re doing- always look forward to your posts 😀


    1. I don’t think I would be Mona. It’s not retirement as such as I know I shall be working again one day.
      And just to let you know, I’m also known in my family as the Queen of the Nanna Naps. lol


        1. I had this discussion yesterday with a colleague. It will be wonderful to take a nanna nap when I feel as if I need it instead of fighting through the mid-afternoon slump.


  2. I love your quilting projects! What brand of watercolor pencils are you using? I have finally broken down and purchased Durwent Inktense pencils and I love them. Your picture looks like you may have been using them, too. Aren’t flowers wonderful. I wish you all the success in the world in all of your endeavors. You are at such an exciting juncture. I know how scary it can be, but I hope you can enjoy it too. I look forward to watching it unfold.


    1. I am using Monte Marte pencils. If I was drawing more frequently I would more than likely purchase the Inktense but since drawing is not common for me, I will persevere with these.
      Thank you for your encouraging words. 🙂


  3. Wow you are really coming along with the sewing stuff! I completely understand that ‘downsizing’ idea and the frustration of having so much stuff to do in a day. Sometimes I can be a snapper myself. I am behind in reading everyone’s blogs I follow, and in keeping my blog posts regular. I try to remember Rome wasn’t built in a day. 😉 Lists DO help me to stay focused, problem is, I tend to put too much on them at a time. On a different note, your GG certainly looks at the yard sale in a different way! Perhaps if you promise that you won’t lay out the saws and blood-stained ice picks, he’ll calm down…the neighbors will just go on thinking you are the ‘nice people’ on the block and never get the idea you are actually serial murderers if you keep those items out of sight.


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