Striking a Balance

You may have noticed my presence is slightly sporadic right now. You have my apologies. The truth is that I am working to find that balance between home, study, work and blogging. My study has taken a back seat this week whilst I learn my new job and unfortunately so has my blogging. I am coming in the door each afternoon mentally fatigued. I have fired up the computer with the intention of reading blogs, writing a post or working on my research project but generally get very little done. 😳 Right now, all is ok in our lives. There are some adjustments to be made by everyone. I have had to start working to a schedule again and that’s a lot of fun (spoken with my tongue firmly in my cheek). But you know what? Life is good. Each day is filled with gratitude and beauty. I am blessed. I trust that your days are also filled with joy, love, beauty and blessings also.

44 thoughts on “Striking a Balance

  1. Thank you for checking in, and I am glad to know that all is well in your world. However, I am sorry that you had to go back to work, but do hope that you find enjoyment and fulfillment in it. Good to hear from you!

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    1. So far I am enjoying my job. It is quite full on right now as I have walked into a program written by somebody else and I am behind the 8-ball so to speak. Things will ease shortly I hope.


  2. And I’ve been blogging so little I hardly qualify as a blogger. Life does fill in the spaces and sometimes we have to make tough choices. But thanks for hanging in there. I always enjoy your blogs (or sometimes not enjoy but appreciate.)

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  3. It’s understandable that a job which pays must take priority and will be tiring for you. We know as soon as you’re back in a routine you’ll be able keep us in touch with how you are and how things’re going. In the meantime just know we’re patient and we’re thinking of you.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx

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  4. Good to hear all ok Suz πŸ˜€
    Cool how life changes though- I am trying to look at my inability to keep the blog un-sporadic as a sign that my life is overflowing and fill to the brim with lots to keep me stimulated and absorbed and – yeah – balanced…
    BUT _ I honestly miss ..shall we say….the good old days πŸ˜‰ How much we have grown hey ❀

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      1. Yip πŸ˜‰ You have had LOADS happen – time needed to regroup and refocus – always a good thing. – I am finding that I wish I was able to balance it the way I WANT it – rather than how it is going to work! lol.

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  5. Sounds like you’re keeping up with the new job Suz – that’s what’s important. Won’t be long and you’ll know it like the back of your hand and will be training newbies yourself. Keep plugging away! πŸ˜€

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  6. Having just recently returned to work I can related. After eight hours staring at a computer screen at work I am struggling to keep up with reading blogs and writing my own. You will find your balance, it may just take a while.

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  7. It’s difficult to find the balance, but you seem to have quite a bit to deal with. Starting a new job is really exhausting. I’m glad you checked in with us. πŸ™‚

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  8. You may find that you’ll need to weed out blogs so that your schedule is more doable. I know, an awful thought. I mean, which ones go by the wayside, which ones get put into ‘one a week’ instead of daily. Just so you know for sure, I only have two posts per week so cutting me down to the once-per-week list is something I would totally understand. πŸ˜‰

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  9. Thanks for checking in. I am glad you are ok, just very busy. I am also finding it difficult to strike a balance. It just takes some time. We won’t “abandon” you while you sort out a schedule. Hugs. πŸ™‚

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  10. I hear you Suz!!! My blog has taken a backseat too because family stuff is all-consuming! Hint:there’s no such thing as “balance”, unless you’re standing on one leg hahaa. I’m giving my blog a major facelift hoping it’ll reignite my love for it. Good luck with the new job. How exciting!!! xx

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