Blessings and Gratitude

When I first began this blog ummm….. several years ago, I was inspired by a lovely blogger by the name of April who writes as Mom of 3 is Nuts.
She was on her own journey at the time and found solace and joy in each day by looking for the blessings.
Being the original type of person that I am (I say that tongue in cheek), I decided that since my life was also pretty low at the time, I would borrow her idea and look for my own blessings every day. This has become a practice that I have continued throughout the years and still continue on a daily basis. Continue reading

Well Played Universe… Well Played

Napoleon Hill started it all in 1937 with his book “Think and Grow Rich”.
He opened our minds to the concept of universal abundance and visualisation. Today, the teaching is still around and espoused by many such as Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra.
It was made especially popular through the writings in “The Secret” and “E-Squared” (both of which I’ve read). So it stands to reason that I believe that we can create our own prosperity and abundance and often try it out. Continue reading

Life goes on…..

In the endless cycle of day after day, our life runs right along with it. At least mine does anyway. lol
I would be hard pressed to say that my life is anything less than busy right now. This working lark isn’t all it’s cracked up to be!
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy my job immensely. I just don’t enjoy getting up each morning and rushing around and then coming home at the end of the day and dropping onto the couch and not wanting to move from there.
I feel as if I am letting my family down because some nights I’m hard pressed to get up and cook a meal. Continue reading

Striking a Balance

You may have noticed my presence is slightly sporadic right now. You have my apologies. The truth is that I am working to find that balance between home, study, work and blogging. My study has taken a back seat this week whilst I learn my new job and unfortunately so has my blogging. I am coming in the door each afternoon mentally fatigued. I have fired up the computer with the intention of reading blogs, writing a post or working on my research project but generally get very little done. 😳 Right now, all is ok in our lives. There are some adjustments to be made by everyone. I have had to start working to a schedule again and that’s a lot of fun (spoken with my tongue firmly in my cheek). But you know what? Life is good. Each day is filled with gratitude and beauty. I am blessed. I trust that your days are also filled with joy, love, beauty and blessings also.

Friday Check In – I’m a bad blogger

I know, I know.
I can’t believe how one missed day turns into two… and then two turns into a whole week!
I do read my comments from my iPad but I’m certainly not about to try and answer them from there. Not only do I have fat fingers that type all sorts of funny things that auto correct has a field day with, it’s just so unwieldy doing it from there. So you have my humblest apologies. Continue reading

My Tree of Life

For some time now I have wanted a pendant with the Tree of Life on it. Why? I don’t know really. They just speak to me I guess. Anyway I developed a desire for one and I’ve been on the lookout for a nice one for some time.
Anyway, a couple of weeks ago (when we were out and about with Son and DIL) cruising the main street of Mapleton, in the Sunshine Coast hinterland, we wandered into a little store that had the most gorgeous lanterns hanging outside. Continue reading

Happiness is…..

Joey at Joeyfullystated did a post last week (after she was tagged to do so) about happiness. I loved Joey’s approach to this in breaking it into sections. I also loved the things that make her happy. She sounds like a pretty alright-kind-of lady to me. 🙂
Joey broke her happiness post down into things that bring/brought her joy, bliss, happiness and contentment. I think that this was an awesome idea and so I’m going to follow suit. Continue reading