Another Award! My cup runneth over…


Wow! I was so happy to receive another award. Mirrorgirl  nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. She also said some really lovely things about me and my blog. I am truly blessed. Thank you.

Looking into this award, I found that nominees are awarded by those who find other blogs that bring something special to their lives. You can find lots more information on the Versatile Blogger Award blog. So here are the rules:

  •  Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  •  Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy — if you can figure out how to do it.
  •  Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. ( I would add, pick blogs or bloggers that are excellent!)
  •  Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
  •  Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

I follow sooooooo many blogs and enjoy them all. Choosing 15 of you is a hard one. Every single person contributes something to my life in some way and I thank you all. So here they are (in no particular order). Some of you I read and comment all the time and some of you I read but don’t comment but still gain immense pleasure from your writing.

Elle Knowles – Crossing a line into the new Elle is an aspiring writer and also a sewer. A kindred spirit. I’m competing with her to die with the most fabric in my stash 🙂

Minuscule Moments of Inspiration – Kath is an Aussie and an aspiring writer also. She is also a lover of cats!

Belinda is The Idiot Writer who has a great sense of humour and writes some great stuff. She is also a fantastic artist. (Check out her sweet peas on her home page).

1950’s Memories of Suburban Adventures – Mary Barbara lived in a basement home and shared a room with her brother David. I had a brother called David but that is where the similarities end. Mary is FUNNY and I always laugh at her posts.

The Empathy Queen – This lady loves to laugh and share inspiration where she can.

Jill’s Experiences with Mental Health –  Jill lost her son as a result of mental health issues. Now she campaigns for a greater awareness of all mental health problems.

??Journey or Destination?? – This lady is an Aussie school teacher who writes about life, laughs and her travels around the country.

Don Charisma – Don’s current passion is iPhone photography and power cables. Don is a great read and lots of fun.

The Wine Wankers – If you enjoy wine and love a good tale, join these blokes as they sample both.

Lindaghill – A great mother and avid writer. Linda shares her outlook on life and writing through her blogging.

Oh, the Places we See – Travel with Rusha and Bert all over the U.S. and other parts of the world. I have many places now on my ‘wish list’ of places to see thanks to Rusha.

Veggies, yarns and tails – Geraldine loves knitting, vegetables, writing haiku and her cat. She is positive and upbeat and joy to read.

Spy Garden – Spy Garden is located in Missouri (near St Louis) and is the home of the cutest little family who grow their own food and share snippets of their lives.

Me – Who am I? – When inspired, this lady writes about all sorts of things. She is positive and joyful and a person I would love to meet in real life.

A View from Under the Prep Room Table – Join CJ and Morguie as she discusses life… and death in a caring and compassionate manner

Finding Beauty in Spite of Myself – April is taking each day as it comes. One foot in front of the other. And sharing her life with us. One day I hope to meet this lady (if she ever gets on one of those flying tin cans) 😉

So for the next part of my acceptance speech, I apparently have to share seven things about myself. Hmmmmmm I share too much on this blog already. What else could there be?

1. My favourite colour is purple

2. I love animals, birds and nature

3. My taste in music is eclectic. My playlist ranges from classical to current music and all genres in between.

4. I have had my scrapbooking and some of my photography published

5. I am obsessed with buttons and ribbons. Don’t know how I’ll ever use them all but find it difficult to pass them up

6. I believe tea tastes better from a pretty cup and saucer

7. I love cold weather and the feeling of wind on my face (as long as I am warm and snug).

Have a blessed day everyone!!

26 thoughts on “Another Award! My cup runneth over…

  1. Thank you Suzi I have done my share of these awards and am honoured you would mention me thank you. I have received the versatile blogger award before, I just don’t have the time to do them anymore. Congrats and enjoy thanks again.


  2. Congratulations on the award! You deserve it and I enjoyed reading the 7 things you shared about yourself. It’s always fun to get to know people more. AND thank you so much for nominating me! I am very honored, and you are right – I write about all sorts of things. There really is no rhyme or reason, just inspiration. 🙂


  3. thanks for including me on your list, I’m honored! And yes, tea DOES taste better from a pretty cup. Those kinds of cups always remind me of my dear grandma too, another good thing. 😉

    Happy Week to you Suz!


  4. I firstly wish to CONGRATULATE YOU on your award. YAYYYY!!!! Secondly, without being or seeming rude, I need to politely and gently ‘decline’ your sweet gesture to nominate my blog. I am such a novice at blogging in itself..the award thing completely confuses me! I prefer not to accept awards. I screwed up the Liebster that I got and I felt awful. 😦 I hope you will understand. I so appreciate the lovely thought though. Thank you Suz.


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