Hot, Hot, Hot….

Here in parts of Australia, we are sweltering through a heatwave. Now I know that many of you are finding that quite a foreign concept in your part of the wold right now but it is what it is. Yesterday, the thermometer in our shade house climbed to 43.9Β°C – and that is in the shade. The Garden Gnome and I went to the local markets and at 8am the temperature was already over 30.Β  People we spoke to had beads of sweat above their top lips. We didn’t stick around. We left the market, did what we had to do around town and then came home and shut up the house (the Garden Gnome has been getting up at first light to open the doors and windows to let in the morning breeze) and turned on the air con. The air conditioning doesn’t reach my end of the house where I sit at my computer so I spent as little time on here as possible yesterday. I moved my sewing machine out to the dining room and worked on my new quilt.

However, we had something to be grateful for with all this heat. Bless you Hugh Jackman! Bless you. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

ImageI am truly blessed πŸ˜€ I am grateful πŸ˜€ I’ve put this post in the categories of Beauty in the Every Day, Finding Joy and Gratitude and Blessings. You would too right? :mr green:

43 thoughts on “Hot, Hot, Hot….

        1. Well, I think I can safely say you won that one. Tractor? Where the hell did you get that? Just a thought: she is Aussie, the Hughman is Aussie, she might have one over on you. Now if you lived in New York you might have one on her since he seems to spending a ton of his life there recently. I don’t think you are New York material though, so she should have first dibs on that pic, although it is quite good, and you can have all the rest. Yes? One night she can have him? Come on, be a sport. Play nice.


            1. Well you know the Scottish, all drama queens. I don’t think Scotishmomus is really even concerned about Deborah-Lee. I believe if she is going to use a tractor in this game, she has something really big in store for getting him to Scotland.


    1. I don’t do summer very well. It is something I know that I have difficulty with. I love winter where I can get myself warm and feel the wind on my face.
      I don’t know that I would cope well with frostbite though. 😦
      The topic of the current heatwave in my part of the world has been all over social media. I guess I added to it however I attempted to inject some humour.
      As I said to another commenter, how we feel about the weather is a matter of perspective.
      I am sorry if I offended you.


      1. No offense at all. My humor is excessively dry, but it was attempted. Frankly, I’ve been hearing so much about the cold snap here that I want aware of the heat wave on your side of the world. Maybe you can stay cooler thinking about this side of the world and I can stay warmer thinking about yours. πŸ™‚


        1. *huge sigh of relief*
          I never intend to offend anyone but you would be amazed how often I do.
          I’ve got your sense of humour now.
          I like the reverse thinking thing…. we are what we think….. I am thinking I live in an igloo….
          dang it, it’s melting in the heat! πŸ˜‰


  1. I can just imagine how you must be feeling. When one is freezing cold, it might be easier to add layers and turn on the heating, but if one is suffering from extreme heat, it makes life more difficult. Have a good day.


  2. I could use a little of your heat now, but not heat waves either. We had that in 2012 in Spain, just after I relocated to here and it was very hot. I was used to much colder weather before.
    Thanks for sharing.


  3. Presuming THIS is the one and not the eating one – because eating is bottom rung on my to do list πŸ˜‰ So:
    Firstly – you are an insensitive brat Ma’am – for two reasons here!! πŸ˜€
    Torturous – oh to have that kind of heat …ho hum di dum πŸ˜‰


  4. Having gone through extreme heat the Christmas before we left Boonah and not being a fan of summer myself, I really, really sympathise. We were talking to our daughter in Scotland on Boxing Day and the temperature gauge was soaring, only 8am and already 41C. In the event, the gauge blew up! Hope you get some relief, Suz, here in North Cyprus it’s a lovely 16C with sunny skies. The climate here is very similar to that of Australia, but peaks around 36C (and stays there for 6 weeks) but it’s bearable.


  5. Although the temperature where I am is about 0 degrees C, I have been were the sun beats down making it up above 40 degrees C easily. It happens all the time in Arizona here in the US. I do hope you have air conditioning and it is working well.


    1. The air con works quite well at cooling the house down if we shut all the doors to the other rooms. Once we want to cool the other rooms down, it loses its effectiveness somewhat. Oh well. πŸ™‚
      We are surviving. Today is very overcast and although the temperature isn’t terribly high, the humidity is through the roof.


  6. lol quite cool here in Bali only 26 -32. although as they said 3000% humidity πŸ™‚ hoping it cools off when we get back.


    1. A line of storms came through again this afternoon Lisa. It’s cooled things for now but not sure how long that will last.
      Thanks for popping in. It is so nice to see your face πŸ™‚
      How’s Dec?


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